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Powerlifting Program
Program Overview: What to Expect (9:13)
Common Squat Mistakes (12:51)
Common Bench Mistakes (6:57)
Common Deadlift Mistakes (6:25)
Prep & Meet Day Logistics (22:20)
Meet The Authors
Omar (5:12)
Bart (4:23)
Silent Mike (4:50)
How To Use This Program (AKA: The PDF)
Start Here!
Nutrition: Macros, Calories, & Supplements
Belief In The Program & FAQ
12 Week Powerlifting Program + Downloads
Silent Mike's Infinite Off-Season for Powerlifting
12 Week Peaking Program (Contest Prep)
Macro Calculators
The Big Three
Deadlift (9:00)
Squat (14:52)
Bench (10:16)
Exercise Video Library
Bench Press (0:48)
Cable Tricep Pushdown (0:31)
Deadlift (Conventional) (0:46)
Deadlift (Sumo) (0:46)
DB Incline (0:37)
Face Pull (0:31)
Hammer Curls (0:42)
Overhead Press (OHP) (0:38)
Plank (0:31)
Seated Cable Row (0:28)
Stiff Legged Deadlift (0:40)
Squat (High Bar) (0:48)
Squat (Low Bar) (0:42)
Belief In The Program & FAQ
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